Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Tuesday morning, November 2, 2004, election day –

It’s the good old days in the USA. We are in a war that we do not know how to get out of, having gotten there on government lies. The national debt is back up there, a place where we like to see it. It is sort of like letting it all ride on red. Americans with skills and an education are having a hard time finding work. Just call the help line of any number of big corporations and you are immediately connected to Bombay. Millions are without health insurance and the rest wish they didn’t have it. The government wants to find new and better ways to investigate our lives, while Bin Laden gets free air time on television. The President gets messages from God and then governs accordingly. Sometimes God speaks to him through Karl Rove. And best of all, the election is too close to call.

So, the Republicans are out in force at polling places to make use of old laws still on the books of some states to challenge the rights of voters to vote. Those old laws are being used as intended – to intimidate. And, the courts are upholding their rights to do so. After all, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court may not be well enough to give the President his job back, should it come to that.

Never mind. Television has it all in hand. There are plasma screens all over the place. Even Bin Laden looked good. The theory must be if you can’t catch him, at least you can watch him bigger than life. He makes great reality TV.

Anyway, I will vote later today, but it won’t matter. Nothing in New York matters very much, just too many people here to matter.



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