Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Nov 2, 12:15 PM -

Tuned in to see what was happening. MSNBC was interviewing the Rockettes, so I guess things are OK. Maybe they could squeeze in putting up the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree while they are at it.

Supreme Court Justice Stevens refused to hear the Ohio vote challenge case. There was no time, he said. They like four or five months to consider cases (my comment, not his), except of course, when they decided to give President Bush the job four years ago (my comment, not his).

I am starting a rumor that Vice President Cheney wondered aloud why he was sent out of the country to Hawaii to look for votes. "Next, they will want me to go to Alaska," I am saying he said.

Michael Moore is out filming today for his next movie. He wants some good stuff of African Americans and old Jews being prevented from voting in Florida. He brought plenty of film. Two of the Jews starting singing old Yiddish songs when he tried to interview them.

Tom Brokaw spent the morning on Imus talking, again, about his slow start in life. Riveting stuff. Still no sign of Brian Williams.

The President announced that he cast his vote for himself and, he thinks, Vice President Cheney. He said that the election comes down to a single issue, whom do you trust to secure the nation, but apparently misplaced the index card with the answer on it. He thought the American people might know the answer and then went back to clearing brush.

Fascinating day.



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