Sunday, November 07, 2004

I felt really good getting up today. Had a strange dream that seemed to expunge some corrupted files from my brain. You know the kinds of threads that seem to lead no where but take up memory cells.

I even dropped the idea of moving to Canada after last week’s election. The idea of packing was just too much to bear, not to mention I am not sure where I would go in Canada or what, if any, kind of job I could find. I guess I could have gone to Bombay and gotten one of those outsourced jobs. Heck, I think I’ll just stick it out here.

Maureen Dowd seemed a bit angrier today than usual. She wrote about the Bush Conservatives, stating: “Now they want to reshape the country on "moral" issues - though their morality seems to allow them to run a campaign full of blatant distortions and character assassination, and to mislead the public about the war.” I think the Liberal nation was convinced that they were going to pull off the election this year. It is amazing what you can conjure up when there isn’t a drink to be had. I love her columns even in her current state of despair. She seems so vulnerable now.

They ran the New York Marathon, a fitting end to the marathon election period that we just went through. The benefit of the foot race is that you get credit for just finishing; not so in the election marathon. Kerry and the Democrats came up empty and are nothing but losers, failures, and generally not in demand for speaking engagements.

Arlen Specter spent the day trying to explain his answer to a reporter about potential Bush nominees to the Supreme Court. Specter is next in line to head of the Judiciary Committee. His answer that litmus paper judges nominated to reverse the abortion decisions would be a waste of time to send for confirmation. That sent the Conservatives into a tizzy and some are already demanding that Specter not be allowed to head up the committee. Forget about the fact that he once all but prosecuted Anita Hill for her testimony in the Clarence Thomas nomination. The conservatives do not want even the appearance of a crimp in their claim to an election mandate.

Truth is I doubt the Republicans ever want the court to allow criminal prosecutions for abortion again. Let’s face it, if we permit the prosecution of doctors and women for abortions, allow school prayers, make flag burning illegal, force gays to get married in secret underground ceremonies, allow the free exchange of assault weapons in K-Mart and flea markets and allow John Ashcroft to decide what nude statues are appropriate for viewing, what in the heck are they going to run on next time. I suppose they could go back to the issue of interracial marriages, but that seems to have it lost its luster even in Conservative nation.

I do think I have come up with a counter to the get out the vote success of Karl Rove and company – sponsor some NASCAR races in key states for Election Day. I have also thought of a way for Democrats to get back the Jewish vote in Florida – threaten to go along with Republican policies on social security and health care.

I just read in the Times that the President would again seek a Constitutional Amendment to ban Gay marriage. That’s where I came in, folks.



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