Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Nov 2, 2004, 8:50 PM – Election Day

So, now we are starting to hear it. MSNBC is reporting that the Bush campaign feels that the exit poll data is under-representing Republican voting. Is this Republican posturing designed to bolster support? Or, does it portend something like happened in 2000, when they called Florida for Gore, only to have to retract it later. The Republicans won’t give up in the late innings.

There is obviously a war going on out there. More lawsuits in Ohio tonight, with hours being extended to accommodate the long lines. More questions about people getting their chance to vote. The lawyers are ready to pounce.

Same sorts of issues in some counties in Pennsylvania, with times being extended there as well.

Politics is a war fought in the trenches. So, the question remains, who wins? Will it be the new voters or the old pros?



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