Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Nov 2, 2004, 10:29 PM – Election Day

Kerry does not win Florida. Why, because Jeb Bush is the Governor. And, maybe the Jewish vote hates Bin Laden and the Arabs more than anything else. I am Jewish and I am afraid that the Jewish vote has been skewed by events in the Middle East. Did Kerry satisfy them? If you are a Democrat in 2004, you do not rest your chances on Florida.

So, Kerry will have to carry Ohio and Pennsylvania, as well as New Hampshire, Iowa and Nevada. This thing will come down to the wire, and I am uncomfortable with the trends.

When a challenger wins, he or she does so in some kind of convincing fashion. So far, bupkus.

Now, the Republicans think they will win Ohio, that the exit polling reported so far is simply off. Republican posturing? I don’t know. The Democrats still say they will win Florida and Ohio. So, why don’t I believe them? Maybe because of what I have said above about Florida and maybe because the Democrats track record is none too good of late. This is not Chicago in 1960.

Wonkette has gone silent.



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