Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Nov 2, 2004, 6:15PM, Election Day –

Many of the political blog sites are crashing. Of course, no one comes to this site, so I am in good shape, thanks God.

While the TV networks are not reporting exit polls, the blog sites are. So far, it is close in a number of the battleground states with slight leads for Kerry in several of them. Still, I am sure, way too close to call. So, let me be the first to call it for Kerry.

What does seem to be happening is a large turnout, and perhaps an unprecedented turnout among young voters. The X factor. Not since McDonald’s first introduced super sizing have so many college students crowded onto a bus at one time.

Both the President and Senator have both reported that they feel good about things. I am not so sure about the rest of the population.



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