Friday, November 19, 2004

There has been hysteria again due to the TV promotion that preceded Monday Night Football, itself a fine example of our culture. An actress from a popular TV show stood in front of a football player in the locker-room, she in a towel and he in uniform. If he didn’t have enough on his mind, she dropped her towel, enticed him away from the game and jumped into his arms (this has never happened to me). No, we didn’t get to see her naked, but the mere suggestion of sex was enough to rouse the moral police and out they came.

They screamed about the eyes and ears of young children being exposed to the salacious behavior being presented prior to the football game. There was no warning, they screamed. Now, I don’t know how young these children were, they didn’t say. But, I guess they were young enough to be scarred for life and just old enough to be plunked down in front of Monday Night Football for a night of wholesome entertainment.

Apologies from the network and the NFL followed, although it didn’t appear that their heart was in it. After all, the TV show being promoted airs at 9PM on Sundays and is fairly popular. They just didn’t understand that the jiggling by young women that typically goes on during a football telecast in one way or another is different from a woman who drops her towel and jumps into the arms of the football player before the game. Silly them.

Now, we really don’t have to play out the arguments. We know them by heart. Some people mind. Some don’t. Some people fear censorship, some like it, especially when they do the censoring. I have little idea of what is right, but like to err on the side of avoiding censorship wherever possible. After all, parents can control their small children. After the age of 10 or so, all bets are off, however. Just get them their own TV and shut the door.

It could have been worse, you know. The football player could have also been in a towel. He could have dropped it, as well. Now, that would have been something.


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