Thursday, December 09, 2004

New York Times, December 10, 2004
Cellphones Aloft: The Inevitable Is Closer By KEN BELSON and MICHELINE MAYNARD

"The day may finally be coming when you will be allowed to make calls on your own cellphone from an airliner. Trouble is, so will the passengers sitting on either side of you, and in front and in back of you, as well.
Federal regulators plan next week to begin considering rules that would end the official ban on cellphone use on commercial flights. Technical challenges and safety questions remain. But if the ban is lifted, one of the last cocoons of relative social silence would disappear, forcing strangers to work out the rough etiquette of involuntary eavesdropping in a confined space. "

That's pretty good because I can't get my damn cell phone to work on the ground.


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