Friday, December 03, 2004

Players like Bonds and Giambi Were Apparent Cheats and Baseball is Corrupt

The Commissioner of Baseball should resign. Under his watch, major league baseball has been guilty of the greatest scandal since the White Sox gambling scandal of 1919. Baseball ignored gambling then; it has ignored drugs now.

No fan should kid himself or herself. Players who relied upon drugs to enhance their performance should not be given a pass and neither should professional baseball.

If Barry Bonds breaks Hank Aaron’s homerun record, it should not stand, nor should his single season homerun record. Jason Giambi’s most valuable player award should be revoked. They cheated. Other players who took drugs should admit so and admit that they cheated. If they hold any records, those records should be expunged. Baseball should acknowledge the scandal and clean it up.

Why is it so important? It isn’t, unless baseball wants to be above reproach. You can’t talk about a hall of fame when your standards are so very low. What person of quality would want to be included in that list? Who would want to visit such a place? That is the situation professional baseball has created for itself.


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