Thursday, January 20, 2005

AO was feeling defensive this week. Predictably, she reacted to the criticism being leveled at the Bush Administration for spending $40,000,000 on the inauguration ceremonies this year. So far, some $25,000,000 has been paid for by contributions from rich people and corporations. AO wants us to leave her alone and let her have her party. Of course, her first reaction was to state that Clinton spent $25,000,000 in 1993. Funny that AO likes to rely on Clinton as a benchmark when her own folks are acting badly.

In one sense she is right, most every President spends too much on inauguration festivities. And, it's not as if we have to avoid having parties altogether, but $40,000,000 is still a mind boggling figure, no matter how they came up with it. It's worse when corporations are asked to pay the tab.

Besides, this year we are at war. The families of soldiers who lose their lives will collect between $12,000 and $250,000, depending upon whether they could afford the $240 a year premium to collect the latter. Imagine, in this day and age having to pay for your own insurance when you volunteer your life in the service of your country. When that kind of fact sinks in, who really wants to go to a $40,000,000 party, anyway?

AO reminds us that billionaires are spending their money helping to elect Democrats. Then, again, the same is true of Republicans. That isn't the point. The inauguration is a public event and not a private one, nor is it a coronation.

Of course, it is all symbolic; $40,000,000 doesn't really pay for very much when you are talking about the problems of war or natural disasters. Then, again, it seems like a lot of money to pay for people getting dressed up and drunk for the evening.


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